Salah satu cara bersetubuh adalah teknik Fellatio bermakna seorang lelaki atau wanita meletakkan mulutnya ke dalam kelenjar zakar dan mengulumnya dengan lidah, juga meraba tangan mereka pada keseluruhan zakar lelaki itu. Hisapan biasanya dilakukan untuk menambah tekanan dan rabaan dilakukan pada zakar. Sementara kelakuan fellatio dilanjutkan, penerima boleh menyumbang air pra-ejakulasi pada air liur pemberi, memberikan hasil zakar lebih licin dan menambah pengalaman perasaan erotik. Air ini dibuatkan oleh kelenjar Cowper dan bukannya air mani, walaupun ia mengandungi kesan sperma.Sila lihat gambar bogel 1.

Terpulang kepada penyumbang, stimulasi ini boleh menghasilkan sebarang puncak syahwat dan ejakulasi air mani. Kalau air mani dimasukkan ke dalam mulut, ia terpulang sama ada ditelan atau tidak ditelan (slanganya, ludah atau telan).

Sementara kegunaan mulut untuk berstimulasikan zakar, adalah pusat cirinya fellatio, sering teman asmara berstimulasi serentak batang zakar dengan tangannya untuk memberikan lelaki itu perasaan zakar telah dikelilingi. Sesetengah wibawa (seperti Franklin, The Ultimate Kiss, bercadangkan ini sebagai cara paling memuaskan dengan memberi seks oral pada seorang lelaki. Satu lagi teknik berkesan adalah dengan memasukkan dan mengeluarkan kepala zakar dari mulut dengan sangat laju (tanpa menurun ke pangkal batang).Sila lihat gambar bogel 2.

Ada sesetengah menganggapkan cara bersetubuh ini atau seks oral sebagai kebesaran ego, mempercayai bahawa tindakan demikian adalah sejenis penguasaan ke atas teman asmaranya.Terdapat banyak lagi cara bersetubuh dan banyak gambar bogel di banner sebelah.

Cara bersetubuh ini tidak sahaja dilakukan pada satu orang, malah sesama sendiri, terutamanya kalau dua atau lebih orang yang melakukan perhubungan seks lelaki. Istilah ini dikenali sebagai Posisi Seks 69. Posisi ini dikenali dengan golongan lelaki homoseksual kerana sangat memuaskan hati semua di antara mereka yang berasmara.
Berikut merupakan salah satu cara bersetubuh

Sila lihat gambar bogel ini

Gambar Bogel 1

stimulasi mulut pada kelenjar zakar.
Gambar Bogel 2
Posisi Seks 69


Cunnilingus adalah kelakuan menggunakan mulut dan lidah untuk merangsang kemaluan perempuan, terutamanya kelentit. Istilahnya berasal dari alternatif perkataan Latin untuk faraj (cunnus) dan dari perkataan Latin untuk lidah (lingua). Hanya satu pertiga dari puncak syahwat mudah dilakukan sewaktu berasmara. Pelancapan dan cunnilingus adalah cara alternatif untuk wanita mencapai syahwat dengan teman asmara.

Kelentit adalah bahagian sensitif pada hampir semua wanita, tetapi boleh jadi sensitif untuk rangsangan selanjutnya pada waktu tertentu, terutamanya pada langkah awal dan bagus dimulakan dengan lembut dan kurang tumpukan pada bibir kemaluan dan kawasan kelamin itu sendiri.

Cunnilingus mudah digandingkan dengan mainan jari atau permainan seks ke dalam faraj, yang membenarkan rangsangan serentak titik G, atau ke dalam anus, yang mana sahaja banyak wanita mendapati menghasilkan sensasi yang tergigih. Banyak aktiviti-aktiviti dapat menemani cunnilingus untuk menambah keseronokan keseluruhan, sudah tentu, dihadkan hanya oleh kebolehan kesukaan lebih, fizikal, anatomi dan berbagai tugas.

Pada budaya lesbian sebuah istilah slanga umum digunakan ialah "memberi lidah" atau "perkhidmatan lidah" (bahasa Inggeris: "giving lip", "lip service", atau "tipping the velvet").

Risiko Cara Bersetubuh Ini.
Penyakit kelamin yang menjangkiti mulut pengamal seks oral. Gambar dari Photobucket.

Melakukan seks oral tidak terlepas daripada bahaya jangkitan penyakit kelamin. Penyakit kelamin seperti herpes mampu menjangkiti mulut pengamal seks oral dan menyebabkan kudis yang sukar sembuh.

Forex trading is a very flexible business and you're the one calling the shots. Still, if you're not careful, you can find yourself losing your modal as well. Therefore, here are a few things that you should know before you get started.

1. Having a broker

You will first need a broker to execute your orders and sometimes, to advise you in your trading decisions. There are many brokers out there and you'll need to be extra careful in finding one who can execute your orders anytime. Consider looking at each brokers' trade records and see how they've done in forex trading over the years. Most important thing is you need a broker that you feel comfortable with and who is also comfortable with you.

2. Diagrams

Next thing that you need to do is to understand how to read the diagram. You will need to understand the diagrams as only then you know the movement of the market. By choosing shorter time frames, you can clearly see the progress of the market by the minute. Usually, diagram software will use bars and lines to represent progress. Take your own sweet time figuring out each style and which one you are most comfortable with.

3. Using a demo account

Previously, you have to take risk without the experience or expertise to invest in forex trading. Nowadays, there are mock accounts which enable you to earn valuable experiences before going into live trades. As you would have a broker by now, he/she will usually let you have a trial in trading by using mock money. So, know your way around the software before you jump into the money making channel.

4. Going into live trades

So you've figured out everything you need to go into live trade. First rule is: don't be greedy. You might earn some the first few times but it doesn't mean you'll always score in the forex market. If you do lose, keep calm and do not give up completely but to see it as a learning experience or a mistake that you wouldn't do next time. Learning never stops so keep trying and it wouldn't be long before you earn your real satisfying profit.

It's easy to start trading Forex online, BUT you will lose money without proper education.

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Forex Killer is a forex signal generator, meaning that it generates picks for the forex world much like a stock picker for the stock market. Some have called this the best forex signal maker and a way for even the most inexperienced traders to make some money in this market, so I decided to try it for myself and see if there was any truth to it and share my results here.

First, for anyone unfamiliar with Forex Killer or signal generators in general, these are programs which make use of mathematical algorithms to predict where the market will go next, enabling you to trade accordingly and safely getting in and out at peaks in the market. These algorithms take the entire scope into account and are tested before the program is released to traders to ensure that they are as spot on and precise and predicting market data as possible.

This is beneficial for a number of reasons, primarily because it enables rookie traders as well as those without the time to effectively devote to analyzing market data themselves to make some money in their spare time. All of the work is done for you so all you've got to do is enact the recommended trades. No emotions or other harmful outside human factors affect your trades this way, which is ideal for undisciplined traders especially.

I began using Forex Killer many months ago. I began simply by receiving the picks and without investing in them gauged their performances in the market and once the initial signals performed well I subsequently began investing in them. I have kept track since beginning with this system, and even counting the approximately 8 out of 10 of its trades have made money. For this reason, I recommend that you enact as many of the signals which it generates for you as possible to fully take advantage of it.

For more information on Forex Killer and have the chance to test it completely risk free and first hand just as I did initially to form your own opinions as to whether or not this is the best forex signal generator, visit and finally begin your path to financial independence today.

Here we are going to give you 2 simple tips that will instantly improve your overall forex trading results.
There simple to learn, easy to apply and could help you achieve big profits consistently of 100% or more annualized.

Consider this point:

Forex trading is all about being right with your forex trading signals and making money – You don’t get rewarded for the effort you put in to forex trading strategy the only thing that matters is profit.

Here we are going to focus on working smart not hard to make more money from trading.

Before we discuss our forex tips in greater detail, lets look at two key points in regard to currency trading.

1 The Big Trades Only Happen a Few Times a Year

If you look at any currency chart the really big strong trends only occur a few times a year and these are the trends that offer the best risk reward. The rest of the time the markets are either trending sideways with no clear trend, or showing high volatility which is hard to trade.

2. Trading The Odds

If you want to make money you need to trade the odds and get them on your side. The best way of doing this is to focus on set ups that give you a clear trading edge which is easy to see on any forex chart.

You need to look for valid support or resistance which has been tested numerous times over several months – you know if these levels are broken the likelihood of a new trend developing are high.

The two tips to make more from your forex trading system are:

1. Cut back the amount of trading you do

And only focus on high odds trades – look for valid breakouts of support and resistance and trade them.

Keep in mind, most big trends develop from new market highs NOT market lows so you need to focus on the breaks and go with them.

Use a breakout methodology and ONLY trade these high odds trades. You won’t trade often but each trade you go into will have the potential for triple digit gains.

If you like the excitement and buzz of trading this method is not for you, but if you want to make money from your forex trading strategy it is!

This now leads onto the second point:

2. Risk More Per trade and DON’T Diversify

You will hear a lot about diversification and cutting risk but all it does is dilute profit potential.

You will also read a lot of investment wisdom that says risk only 2% per trade, well if you are a small forex trader with a $5,000 account, that's just that’s $250.00!

Forex markets involves taking risks and with risk goes reward - the more you risk the more you make pure and simple. If you are trading a currency move that is a high odds one risk more – 10 – 20% is a good figure to aim at.

The above forex trading strategy focuses on making money nothing else and will cut the time you spend forex trading. Furthermore it's based on a breakout methodology which is simple to learn, easy to apply and is discussed in the next article in this series.

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Memperkenalkan Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu, ebook yang pertama seumpamanya di Malaysia.

Ebook Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu

Pada 1 oktober 2008, saya telah melancarkan satu ebook iaitu Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu, yang telah saya berikan percuma sebagai bahan muat-turun kepada pelayar laman web Info Seks Melayu.

Ebook yang mengandungi 30 mukasurat tersebut telah dimuatturun oleh lebih 10,000 pelayar laman web Info Seks Melayu.

Sejak pelancaran ebook percuma tersebut, saya telah menerima beratus-ratus email yang meminta saya menerbitkan ebook yang mengandungi lebih informasi tentang Kamasutra Bergambar dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Antara E-mail yang saya terima

Setelah membuat kajian terperinci dan mengumpul maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan, akhirnya terhasil lah sebuah ebook Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu bahagian kedua.

Ebook terbaru ini mengandungi 161 mukasurat dengan posisi seks bergambar bersama tips-tips dan panduan untuk kebahagiaan Hubungan Seksual!

Isi Kandungan Utama Ebook Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu ini

Kamasutra (Seni Berasmara)

Kamasutra adalah sebuah kitab kuno dari India yang ditulis oleh Vatsayana berdasarkan kajian beliau ke atas gerak laku seksual manusia. Kamasutra dikatakan adalah manual seks yang paling tua di dunia...

Ananga Ranga (Peringkat Percintaan)

Ananga Ranga adalah sebuah manual hubungan seks yang ditulis oleh Kalyana Malla pada kurun ke 15. Ramai mengatakan tujuan utama Ananga Ranga ditulis adalah untuk mengelakkan perpisahan antara suami isteri....

Taman Harum (The Perfumed Garden)

"The Perfumed Garden" adalah sebuah manual hubungan seks yang ditulis oleh Muhammad al-Nafzawi sekitar tahun 1410 sehingga 1434. Nama asal manual yang ditulis oleh al-Nafzawi ini ialah "The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight" atau dalam bahasa arabnya, "Al-rawd al-'âtir fî nuzhati'l khâtir"....

Tao (Cantuman Asmara)

Manual Seks Taoist dicipta dengan tujuan utama untuk mengekalkan kesihatan pengamal ajaran Taoist. Pengikut-pengikut ajaran Taoist percaya dengan mengamalkan seni-seni ajaran Taoist ketika melakukan hubungan seksual, mereka akan dapat mengekalkan kesihatan luaran dan dalaman, dan jika ditambah dengan senaman-senaman lain, mereka akan dapat melambatkan proses penuaan...

Tanda-tanda kepuasan bagi seorang wanita adalah ketenangan pada reaksi tubuhnya, dan kerelaan sepenuhnya untuk menyatukan "yoni" (faraj) dengan "lingam" (zakar) pasangannya...

Vatsayana (Pengarang Kamasutra)

Anda tidak tahu apa itu Kamasutra, Ananga Ranga, Taman Harum dan Tao?

Kamasutra, Ananga Ranga, Taman Harum dan Tao, adalah Kitab Manual Seks yang ditulis pada zaman kuno, berkurun-kurun lamanya sebelum generasi kita mencelikkan mata di dunia ini.

Kamasutra dan Ananga Ranga adalah Kitab dari India, Taman Harum pula di tulis oleh seorang cendiakawan Arab yang tersohor, dan pengamal amalan seksual Taoist telah membukukan ajaran mereka ke dalam Kitab Tao.

Jadi Ebook Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu ini mengandungi EMPAT kitab kuno berasingan yang dicantumkan menjadi satu!

Antara posisi-posisi hubungan seks yang terdapat dalam ebook ini ialah:

Posisi Lotus

Si Wanita menyilangkan kakinya dan membawa kakinya hampir kepada perut, Si lelaki kemudiannya memasukkan zakar...

Posisi Pemecah Dara

Dalam posisi ini faraj si wanita berada dalam keadaan yang rapat dan ketat. Si lelaki harus cermat dan...

Posisi Belahan Indra

Si wanita berbaring dengan kedua-dua belah kaki ...wanita digalakkan mengusap buah dada dalam posisi ini untuk...

Posisi Roda Karma

Si lelaki harus kuat memegang badan si wanita dalam posisi ini.... menggerakkan badannya dalam pusingan seperti roda...

Posisi Pelangi

Ini adalah posisi yang unik dan dapat memberikan kenikmatan yang lain daripada yang lain jika dicuba oleh pasangan....

Posisi Ikatan Jed

Diilhamkan dari seni menyambung jed yang penuh dengan ketekunan dan kesenian, si wanita...Si lelaki memasuki wanita dan mengangkat...

Dan banyak lagi Posisi-Posisi Hubungan Seks yang berjumlah 102 POSISI kesemuanya..! (Selepas ni confirm anda tak akan jemu dengan posisi yang sama setiap kali bersama pasangan anda)

Bayangkan apa yang boleh anda lakukan dengan 102 posisi seks yang unik dan tidak pernah anda ketahui wujud sebelum ini!

Mungkin anda perlu membeli katil yang lebih besar selepas membaca ebook ini ;-)

Selain memaparkan 102 POSISI SEKS BERGAMBAR, ebook Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu ini turut memberikan tips dan panduan seperti:

Zon Hotspot

Ketahui dimanakah bahagian-bahagian yang paling sensitif bagi lelaki dan wanita, dan bagaimana untuk meransang sepenuhnya bahagian-bahagian ini

...Apabila bahagian-bahagian sensitif pada badan diusap... Untuk Lelaki: Ketika pasangan anda mengusap zakar anda, usaplah...Untuk Wanita: Ketika pasangan anda membelai badan anda...

Urutan & Ciuman

Ketahui teknik-teknik urutan yang akan membangkitkan nafsu pasangan anda, dan bagaimana untuk menjadi seorang pakar dalam ciuman

...Salah satu teknik ciuman Kamasutra, Vatsayana mempraktikkan teknik ciuman dengan memegang lembut bahagian...

Mandi Kucing

Ini bukan teknik untuk memandikan kucing, tetapi teknik memandikan pasangan anda menggunakan lidah. Jangan terkejut bila melihat pasangan anda mengeliat kesedapan bila anda menggunakan teknik ni

...Biarkan air liur anda bercampur dengan peluh pasangan anda apabila anda bergilir-gilir menjilat dan menghembus tubuh badan...

Penetrasi Lidah

Mat saleh panggil "oral sex", tetapi teknik ni dah lama wujud. Ketahui teknik asal yang belum pernah anda ketahui wujud

...Untuk Wanita: Pegang zakar pasangan anda dengan lembut dan cium zakar pasangan anda. Cium perlahan-lahan...

Teknik Tusukan

Jangan ingat asal boleh masuk dah ok. Terdapat banyak lagi teknik tusukan yang boleh anda aplikasikan kepada isteri anda. Ketahui "the best of the best" dalam panduan ini

Vatsyayana telah memberikan beberapa teknik tusukan zakar untuk membolehkan zakar bertindak untuk memberikan kepuasan maksima kepada pasangannya.Berikut ialah beberapa teknik tusukan yang disyorkan dalam ajaran Kamasutra...

Urutan Dalaman

Untuk perempuan pun ada. Ketahui bagaimana untuk mengurut zakar pasangan anda dengan hanya menggunakan otot-otot faraj anda. Rugi kalau tak tahu teknik ni.

Vatsayana menggalakkan si wanita memicit dan mengurut zakar si lelaki dengan menggunakan otot-otot di dalam faraj. Untuk melakukan urutan ini...

Dan banyak lagi TIPS, TEKNIK dan PANDUAN yang terdapat dalam ebook ini, sesuai untuk lelaki dan juga wanita.

TIPS, TEKNIK dan PANDUAN yang saya masukkan dalam ebook ini adalah pilihan terbaik yang dipilih dari Kitab Kuno Kamasutra, Ananga Ranga, Taman Harum dan Tao.

Dari memberhentikan usapan dan gentelan pada klitoris selepas si dia mencapai ejakulasi, teruskan usapan tersebut dan lihat apa yang bakal terjadi...

Kalyana Malla (Pengarang Ananga Ranga)

161 Mukasurat, Panduan dan Tips dari Kitab-kitab kuno yang telah terbukti keberkesanannya, 102 Posisi Bergambar dengan penerangan dan panduan dalam Bahasa Melayu..

Saya Berminat! Bagaimana saya nak dapatkan Ebook ni?

Anda boleh mendapatkan Ebook Kamasutra Bergambar versi Bahasa Melayu ini melalui pautan di bawah, tetapi tunggu...

Sempena pelancaran Ebook pertama saya, saya dengan berbesar hati ingin memberikan lagi ilmu-ilmu berkaitan hubungan seksual kepada anda dengan kos yang tidak masuk akal!

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How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings 94% Overnight-

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Posted by Unknown | 7:22 PM

Need To Publish Your Ads?Publish Free..Signup Now!

Recently I wrote about how you can monetize your blog, and one of those ways was through Google AdSense. So to continue on with that train of thought I decided to give out a few tips to help you maximize your AdSense earnings.

Just one point though to start with. This is not intended for a webmaster about to setup a new site. I am writing this for those of you who already own a blog or website but have yet to see AdSense perform for you.

1. On Topic Content
If you have a blog about the iPod, then stick to writing about iPod news, iPod accessories, iTunes etc. There is no point writing about iPod and then starting to talk about your day at work within the same page. AdSense works through a contextual assessment of your page, so try and make it as easy as possible for the Mediabot to ascertain exactly what you are writing about.

2. Optimize Tags
Making Mediabot’s job as easy as possible also means optimizing your HTML tags, from your meta tags to your header tags. Place your target keywords in the page title, meta description and keywords tag, as well as in your header tags. Don’t forget to bold or italicize your target keywords throughout the content.

3. Ad Placement
Consult the AdSense heatmap and apply it to your layout. You’ll find that CTR will increase when you place your ads above the fold. Placing ads down the left (where users are used to seeing navigation) and in central locations will also increase CTR. Don’t forget to place ads at the bottom of a page for readers who have scrolled down to the bottom of a long article. I would not advise placing your ads down the left hand of a page as CTR in this location is normally quite low. So keep them above the fold and smack bang in front of their eyes.

4. Colours
The basic premise with regards colours is to match your ad colouring as closely to the colour scheme employed through out your site. I recommend using the same colours for text and links for optimum CTR.

5. Borders or No Borders?
Answer, no borders! Keep reminding yourself that your ads need to slot in with your existing layout and appear to be part of the page. A border immediately separates the ads and decreases CTR.

6. Images
There has been a lot of talk on the boards for quite some time about using images alongside ads to improve CTR. Overall, images placed beside your ads will increase CTR.

7. Section Targeting
Use the section targeting tags, they make it easy to specify what content Mediabot should spider and what to ignore.

8. Use Alternate Ads
On occasion AdSense will not be able to display any ads in an ad block on a particular page. Unless specified AdSense will display Public Service Ads (PSAs) that do not earn you anything. So when you are creating your code, specify an affiliate link or image linked to an affiliate product. Therefore you can rest assured that no matter what happens, you’re earning!

9. Use Channels
Track your performance by channel, a technique that is especially important when you have place multiple ad blocks per page. Assign each ad block a unique channel so that you can see what performs best over time, allowing you to further refine ad placement and increase revenue.

10. Noscript

Statistics remarkably show that approximately 10% of browsers do not have JavaScript enabled. Unfortunately for AdSense publishers, a browser with JavaScript disabled will not even show an ad block.


These Tips and Tricks to maximizing adsense revenue are personal things that we've tried that have drastically improved our earnings. Set up some new channels, and try out one or more of these methods to make more with Adsense.

Color Try blending, try ads that stand out, try ads that stand out and blend. Set up three channels, one for each. The first will be, for example "blended leaderboard site 'A'," the second will be "standout leaderboard site 'A'," and third "blend/standout leaderboard site 'A'" or similar channel names. Take a week or so to test each channel, or until you feel you have seen enough stats for each channel. Pick the winner and go with it. Then when you think it is optimized completely, test, test again. Try using the color rotation tool. Test minor variations in color, and test major color rotations. Using rotating colors may be the answer to your forum's, or blog's ad blindness problem. A lot of times sites with many return visitors will see dips in Ctr due to the ads just not sticking out enough.

Placement You just gotta test and see. There is no way for me or anybody else for that matter, that can just say "Yep... you gotta put the ads 240 pixels from the top, 280 pixels from the left." It's impossible to know, every site, every page for that matter, will have placements that out perform different spots. Please just take the Google Heat Map into consideration when starting your testing. Remember that have a huge database to use as their sample size, when they come up with the statistics that equate the heat map.

Ad formats Oh the choices... should I go with the medium rectangle or the half banner. Should I show only images in my bottom left nav, or should I go with text only on my leaderboard. You have some decisions to make. With 200 channels to use up, you should be doing some major testing. There is not just one "right" format to choose. There just is one that makes more than the rest, so get testing. Hint: I personally would go with text and image ads now, as the ad spots compete with each other for the highest paying/performing ads.

More/Less Ad Units eCPM will rise if you have less ads on a page, that is if Ctr stays constant. In the long run it will pay to have fewer, rather than more ads. As with the rest of these hints, do test for yourself to see.

Adlinks Make a new channel for them, and test away. With the new horizontal adlinks, you should be able to test at least 3-4 different locations/formats that fit your site.

In the few minutes it takes you to read this article, hundreds of new blogs will be created and thousands upon thousands of posts will have been made world wide.

The information age we live in, has allowed everyone, from the local teenager to large corporations to jump on to the blogging wagon.

The lure of being able to have a blog installed in under 15 minutes, the incredibly low start-up costs, and the ability to post to that blog from any computer with internet access, has provided many people and corporations with an immediate web presence.

Stories are common place about full time bloggers earning over $100,000 a year while blogging for less than 2 hours a day. And they usually do this while traveling the world!

The most popular blog type for the newbie is one that documents their everyday lives, ramblings and opinions. They use it as a way to express themselves.

Each new blog post generates content which the search engines absolutely love. The conversational and informal nature of blogs usually provides great reading. Readers have the option to easily comment on the posts, providing feedback and their opinions.

Blogs become interactive and service the needs of writers and readers. Video and audio can now easily be inserted on blogs providing a different experience for all its readers.

All blogs can be monetized with advertising, selling affiliate products or selling your own products. A blog with a great readership will attract high paying advertisers often paying for 6 months advertising in advance.

However, similar to any small business, the abandonment rate of blogs is incredibly high. Bloggers often enjoy the initial novelty of blogging, but if they started blogging to make some extra income, the novelty will wear off quickly if the results don't look promising.

Here are three secrets which virtually guarantee success for any blogger:

The First Secret:

A blog must be tightly themed around a niche, with posts that provide benefits for its readers.

If your blog posts do not provide significant value for your readers, they will not return to read any other posts. Remember blogs make money from its readers, so your content must keep them coming back.

Don't make the common mistake of blogging about anything and everything. If someone is reading your gardening blog, they have an interest in gardening. If you start blogging about the new car you just bought, you may lose that reader. They want to read about gardening, not cars.

Your readers are reading your posts with a "what's in it for me" mindset and if its not satisfied they will go somewhere else to find it.

Your blog is similar to an online magazine in many ways, just more informal and updated regularly.

The Second Secret:

Your blog must load fast, look the part and be easy to navigate. When your new readers arrive they should know within 5 seconds which niche you are targeting.

First impressions are everything!

It is very easy to use the default template in any blogging platform, but it will do nothing for your reader's experience. Look around at the successful blogs and you will find customized themes designed to suit their niche.

Customized themes will cost you less than $100 but this is money very well spent, as it will improve your readers experience ten-fold. And make sure you check your blog in various browsers not just Internet Explorer. A blog that looks fantastic in Internet Explorer could look terrible in other browsers.

The Third Secret:

Continuously generate targeted traffic to your blog. A great looking blog with quality content is not worth anything to anyone without consistent and targeted traffic to it.

You need to continuously promote your blog to attract visitors.

With its incredible speed, power and coverage the internet can distribute a blog post around the world in seconds. A good looking blog fulfilling the needs, wants and desires of its readers can quickly become an authority site in its niche providing the owner with a very healthy income.

article from here

Earn Adsense income from your Blogs

Did you know you can use Google adsense on your blog? Don't have a blog? Running, starting, and maintaining a blog is cheap, and in some cases free! So why haven't you put Google adsense on your blog yet? Oh you don't know how! Here's why and how!

First if you are considering adding ads onto your blog, you should learn more about the specific rules Google has in regards to blogs, though it is very similar to the rules they have for sites.

Blog content is what Google likes

Using blogs for Google adsense plain makes sense! The content is original, and is considered high quality from Google's concept, even though you and I know some of the Blogs on the net are plain idiotic! So qualifying a blog is often easier than a site!

Due to the nature of blogs, there is usually a lot of varying content, meaning on a Blog you can have thirteen different subjects, whereas on your site you are supposed to have only one or two. This makes getting very diverse and specific ads on your Blog, far easier than on your site!

A blog that invites feedback or interactivity with a user may attract a lot of clicks, because it attracts a lot of visitor's. Your blog has the ability to attract a specific set of people who will be interested in your material. Thus your adsense ads will be even more specific!

You can also add a blog to your commercial site. Really! You can talk about your products or specific information that your customer's might be interested in. You can talk about your company, or even get a little personal! Besides having the added benefit of getting you some adsense clicks, it might actually make people like you! Studies have shown that people will buy more from a person they find personable or that they know a little bit about. Tell them about you!

You can start a blog for free, like those on Yahoo! Or you can get software to start a blog on your site. The latter is best, because you will have the most control. Again you can visit Yahoo! web hosting and use the tool for free.

When you decide to get ads on your blog, remember there are a few ways to increase your click through rates, which are really about the same as on your site.

Optimize your Adsense ads

Make your ads as much a part of your website as possible. Use the same font, font-color and background for your Google ads.

DON'T use boxes, tables, or anything else that yells; Here are the ads for my site. Don't hide the ads!Design your ads to closely resemble links for your site, or make them blend as part of your site. Use your preview toolbar when creating your ads, which will give you a clear indication of how your ads will look.

Remember, a good ad is one that does not distract, that blends in, but still arouses the interest of your visitors.

How long does it take to get a blog indexed with Google? Well unlike websites, blogs can be all-set with Google, in as little as three days or less in some cases!

Once you feel you are comfortable with Google adsense, you can then take the steps to get your blog to making you a little money! Go over all the rules for using the Adsense program, and remember, just because you are a blogger in this case, that doesn't mean Google won't remove your ads quicker than a dog can scratch a tick, if you are using profane, abusive, slanderous, or otherwise universally unaccepted public topics!

That in mind, the rest is easy. Google will explain the whole process, on the same site that I have already listed at the beginning of this article.

Use your blog to your advantage. Getting approved for ads on a blog is easier than a website, and if proper steps are taken to design your ad well, and provide interesting content, you can make some money with Google Adsense on your blog!

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We all want to receive large cheques from Google Adsense, but without taking into consideration certain important factors this is unlikely to happen. Throughout this article I will discuss six tips which shall help to increase your Adsense revenue. These include: ad placement, blending, targeted traffic, general traffic, ad formats and keyword based ad targeting.

Where you place your ads directly effects whether people will see your ads or not. If people don�t see your ads, they won�t click on them. One very useful tool released by Google is the Google Heatmap. The areas coloured darker are areas in which people look and click most frequently. Based on this map we can see that if you place an ad beneath your footer you will receive almost no clicks while placing your ads above or within your content will receive a lot more clicks. Remember that revenue is directly proportional to clicks so good ad placement will increase your clicks and revenue.

Ads which stand out are much less likely to be clicked than ads that blend in. Google gives you the option to modify Border, Title, Background, Text and URL colours. I recommend you make the border and background colours the same as your content area background so there's no border around your ads, make the title the same colour as your links, the text the same colour as your text and the URL a suitable colour. There is, however, a balance which has to be found where the ads are blended enough to fit your content while not making the user feel tricked when they click your ad.

Make sure your traffic is genuinely interested in your website. As Google targets your Adsense to fit your content, if your visitors are interested in your content they will also be interested in your ads increasing the chance that they'll click them. This means that you should make sure you have inward links displayed on relevant websites, do not advertise on irrelevant websites.

High traffic is the most important step in making money through Adsense. Your Adsense revenue is directly proportional to your traffic. Although the rest of the steps will increase your CTR (Click Through Rate), without traffic you won't receive any clicks. The most important thing to note when building traffic is to have high quality content. If you have high quality content, people will return to your website and other websites will link to yours. (Although you will still have to advertise even with high quality content.)

Your choice of ad format will drastically effect your CTR (Click Through Rate) There is no one ad format which works best on all websites, I do however recommend an ad format that is roughly as wide as an article title (or whatever else you offer). To test ad formats on your website, you could switch formats once per day then record the CTR at the end of the day.

Once you have high traffic and blended, well placed ads, you may want to increase your CPC (Cost Per Click). As you may know, each ad pays a different CPC and your ads are based on your content. This means that if your content is related to something expensive (e.g. Photoshop CS2) your ads will pay more per click. Some strategically placed keywords throughout your articles may help you to display more expensive ads.

Now that you have maximized your Adsense revenue, go out there and build traffic, stay within the Adsense TOS and enjoy your money.

MALAM pertama adalah satu cabaran jika pasangan berkenaan tidak berpengalaman ‘bermain cinta’. Jika pasangan wanita selama ini menyimpan kesuciannya untuk jejaka idaman, pasti malam pertama memberi makna kepadanya apabila dapat memberi anugerah yang sangat bernilai itu kepada pasangannya dan mereka mengecapi gelora malam berkenaan.


Namun, perlu diingatkan kepada wanita supaya tidak perlu takut atau ‘seriau’ dengan ‘pelayaran’ malam pertama kerana ia akan memberi tekanan kepada dirinya dan juga pasangan. Sebaik-baiknya, mereka melayani dengan mengikut jejak langkah dan memberi kerjasama kepada pasangan supaya sentuhan malam pertama berjalan lancar.

Seseorang wanita juga perlu bersabar jika tidak disentuh pada malam pertama kerana mungkin pasangan mereka masih dalam peringkat menyesuaikan diri atau terasa letih dan lesu selepas proses perkahwinan.

Jika keadaan mengizinkan, hubungan keintiman seksual dilakukan dan sentuhan malam pertama akan berlaku, tetapi pasangan wanita perlu tahu fungsinya apabila pasangan mereka mendekati dan mula menyentuh tubuh sambil melucutkan pakaiannya sehelai demi sehelai.

Dia boleh membantu pasangannya bersedia dengan menyentuh mengikut keselesaan pasangannya. Menyentuh anggota sulit pasangan ketika itu mungkin mengakibatkan pasangan hilang kawalan syahwat dan boleh menyebabkannya terpancut.

Apabila sentuhan intim berjalan hingga ke peringkat pasangan lelaki hendak mendekatkan ereksinya ke paras anggota sulit, pasangan wanita perlu melegakan pahanya bagi memudahkan proses berkenaan.

Paling penting ketika malam pertama ialah pasangan wanita perlu melegakan kemut bagi membolehkan ereksi lelaki dapat terlepas daripada ‘penahan’ iaitu selaput dara yang mengelilingi pembukaan faraj.

Jika terasa kesat untuk permulaan, geselan boleh dilakukan secara lembut dan sentuhan tubuh badan dilakukan serentak supaya rangsangan berlaku dan mukosa faraj menjadi lebih lembap serta memudahkan pergerakan zakar ke dalam faraj.

Andainya masih juga kesat, tidak salah untuk pasangan berkenaan menggunakan jeli bagi memudahkan lagi kemasukan zakar ke dalam faraj kerana apabila sudah ‘mengenali’ sentuhan pertama itu, mereka akan rasa yakin dan tidak teragak-agak mengulanginya mengikut kehendak dan cita rasa mereka.

Bagaimanapun, perlu diingatkan bahawa masalah boleh berlaku. Pasangan lelaki boleh terasa tertekan atau cemas kerana memikirkan tanggungjawab yang hendak dilakukannya, iaitu hubungan penetratif.

Jika berasa seriau, pasangan lelaki akan mudah hilang kawalan dan perasaan rangsangan menyebabkan ereksi yang membina itu terus kendur, sekali gus dia gagal melakukan tanggungjawab malam pertama kepada pasangannya.

Keadaan ini dikenali sebagai ‘mati pucuk malam pertama’. Perkara sama boleh berlaku kepada pasangan wanita. Jika seriau, dia tidak dapat mengawal pembukaan faraj dan ketika pasangan ingin menyalurkan ereksi, farajnya akan mencengkam tanpa kawalan yang dikenali ‘vaginismus’.

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Nikmati hubungan seks yang luar biasa...isteri anda pasti tersenyum riang disamping mu..

The heat is on. You can literally feel it arcing between you. Whether it’s an enticing stranger you’ve just met or a special someone you’ve been slowly getting to know, you’re aware that now is the time to take your connection to the physical level. You can sense that she’s about ready to hop into bed and you damn well know that you are. So how do you make this first time with someone new a glorious moment you’ll both fondly remember rather than a nightmare you’d just as soon forget?

The first thing to zero in on is attitude. What exactly is it you want from this coming sexual encounter -- a lusty one night romp or the beginning of a longstanding passionate relationship?

There certainly is nothing wrong with a one-night stand. There is something extremely exciting about sex with a stranger, with absolutely no strings attached. Many women feel this way, not only men. What we all have to be careful about is simply using the other person, treating them as an object only for our satisfaction.

No one likes being treated as an object. No one likes being used for someone else’s purpose. Men typically use women as sex objects. But just as often women treat men as success objects. What does it mean to treat a person as an object? It means you use that person to get what you want without particular regard to what happens to them or how they feel. At one extreme you would not even care if you actually cause harm. More frequently harm is not intended, but the well being of the person you are using is of little or no concern to you. What is of concern to you is to get what you want, which in this case is sex.

When you want sex and you do anything necessary to get it you are using the woman as a sex object. You may lie and otherwise be deceitful about what is really going on. You may pretend to care or be interested in her, but all you really want is to get laid. After you get what you want, you disappear and she never hears from you again. You don’t call. You may not even say hello on the street. You may feel contempt or disgust toward her for having had sex with you. But this is really a disguised form of self-contempt and self-hatred projected onto women. It is very unhealthy and in the long run will leave you alone, lonely, bitter and cynical. This is hardly a prescription for happiness.

Quick sex between consenting adults is not about using each other as an object, assuming both of you understand what is happening, and no deceit is involved. We call this scenario “no-strings sex.” With no-strings sex, both parties understand that it is not intended that you will ever see each other again. You do not exchange addresses or phones or personal histories. This situation ranks high on the list of most common fantasy for both men and women. The sex may be extremely hot and passionate. Both lovers may feel an extraordinary freedom and be willing to let go completely, dropping their usual sexual shyness and restraint. Often they will experiment with and allow themselves to enjoy what they would only dream of doing, but never allow themselves to do with someone they knew or were in an ongoing relationship with. They may experiment with things they did not even dream were possible.

There are only two rules for no-strings sex. They are very simple rules.

Rule #1: Mutual consent for everything is mandatory. By “mutual consent” we mean that all aspects of your lovemaking are agreed to by both. You meet together on the sexual playing field as equals. No one gets physically hurt. When your partner says “I don’t want to do that” or “stop, that hurts” you must stop instantly. This is where “no” always means no.

Rule #2: Don’t try to find her later!

The other type of first time encounter is with someone with whom you intend to have an ongoing relationship. We will call this scenario “relationship sex.” With relationship sex, it is understood by both of you that there may be an ongoing relationship after the sex. In fact, it would be quite normal for relationship sex to take place after you have been seeing each other for some time. In this scenario sex is not the start of the relationship, but a deepening of it. It is also quite common for a relationship to start with a sexual encounter. If the sex rocks the earth, or even if it is just pretty good, you may want to go further into relationship to see if you can connect on other important levels and make something work together in the longer run. This could evolve into living together or even marriage.

The first rule for no-strings sex also applies to relationship sex. 1. Mutual consent for everything is mandatory. In addition to this rule there are a few others to keep in mind. 2. Great respect is mandatory. 3. Great caring is mandatory. 4. Open, honest communication is mandatory. 5. Gentleness is used as required, and roughness is used as mutually desired.

The Rules

1. Mutual consent for everything is mandatory. If you do not both enjoy it, what is the point? Remember, we are not using each other, we are loving each other. It is certainly all right for one partner to try things because the other person likes it even if they don’t, but this is a gift freely given and cannot be required.

2. Great respect is mandatory. Respect implies that you are aware of what the other person wants. You are willing to discover what they are capable of and what their sexual limits are. Your lover may have been injured psychologically or emotionally from past relationships. In fact this will almost certainly be the case, almost everyone has had their heart broken at least once. At the extreme, they may have experienced sexual abuse as a child. They may feel insecure about their sexuality. They may suffer from low self-esteem as a lover. They may be quite inexperienced in sexual technique. You must be extremely patient and ever so sensitive to the messages they send out about how fast to proceed, what to do and not do. Talk openly to establish the boundaries of your sexuality. Then experiment to push back the boundaries at a pace you can both find comfortable and safe.

3. Great caring is mandatory. Love is always given and received as a gift. It has been said that there is no such thing as bad sex, that sex without love can still be great sex, but sex with caring adds a warmth that connects two hearts and souls together. This is sex beyond technique. Sex with caring leaves the lovers filled. Sex with love leaves the lovers overflowing. It is caring that moves sex beyond the physical to allow for the creation of a deeper spiritual connection. Most men want an emotional connection and most would welcome a more spiritual experience of sex, but they are afraid and they just haven’t learned how to do it yet. Most women quite frankly, require the emotional connection as the price of entry.

4. Gentleness is used as required, and roughness is used as mutually desired. With mutual consent anything goes. But it is usually best to start out with more gentleness and progress to more roughness only as you learn that she wants it and likes it. Many women like a playful roughness as long as they feels truly safe. But if you have not established a high degree of trust with her, roughness prematurely can end what could have been an excellent long-term sexually passionate relationship.

5. Open, honest communication is mandatory. Talk about sex. Tell each other what you like and dislike. A good way to do this is to always offer choices A and B and ask which she likes best. This avoids the damage to fragile egos that young men are so prone to when they are learning about a new lover. If a man hears, “I don’t like that” it is very easy for him to have his feelings hurt and this may cause him to withdraw, or get angry, or react in some dysfunctional way. But if you give your women, for example, the choice between fondling her breasts this way, or this way, and ask which is best, you will not have your feelings hurt, and you will quickly learn what she really likes. This is how a lover becomes a great lover.

If you need to have your imagination stimulated to know what to try, read any of several great lover’s manuals available in good bookstores everywhere. Then use the A-or-B technique to find out about your woman specifically. Here are a few titles to look for. You can order these from our web site if you can’t find them in your local bookstore.

“Soul Sex: Tantra for Two”, by Pala Copeland and Al Link

“The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers” by Margo Anand

“How to Make Love All Night (And Drive a Woman Wild: Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets for Prolonged Lovemaking)” by Barbary Keesling

“The New Male Sexuality” by Bernie Zilbergeld

“How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation” by Helen Singer Kaplan

Once you’ve honestly considered your attitude you can move into the physical aspects of loving: like the setting, foreplay, afterplay and all the juicy bits in between. In the East there is a long tradition of the warrior lover – a man who has prepared himself physically, emotionally and mentally for the great and glorious battle between the sheets. This is not for dominating or defeating your lover but for skillfully bringing out the best in both of you so you can rise to new heights in your sexuality.

The idea of creating the right ambience for lovemaking may seem artificial or calculated, but there is an art to great loving and why not bring out the artist in yourself? A secluded place, candlelight, music, wine, food and clean sheets may sound like a trite scene from an old James Bond movie but they still hold true. Women love to be adored and creating a special place for loving shows that you care about what they want too.

It has become common knowledge that foreplay is very important in bringing a woman to sexual satisfaction. She takes longer to become aroused to the point where she can match you in intensity of desire. But what is also essential is afterplay. When you’ve come to a happy climax don’t just roll over and go to sleep or get up and go home. Even though your hormones may be telling you you’re finished, your lover won’t be. Take the time and make the effort to show your appreciation and caring through some tender cuddling and soft words or by sharing some food and conversation. You’ll benefit too from staying in love’s sweet afterglow.

Finally, it shouldn’t have to be said but it still does, always, always practice safe sex. Use condoms and dental dams until you are certain you’re in a completely monogamous relationship and you’ve both had AIDS tests. Remember good first time sex with someone means no one gets hurt, during loving or afterwards.

Al Link and Pala Copeland own and operate 4 Freedoms Relationship Tantra. They regularly host Tantra Sacred Loving weekends near Ottawa Canada, and weeklong retreats in exotic locations around the planet. For more information call toll free from Canada or USA: 1-800-684-5308 International long distance: 1-819-689-5308. Visit their website or send email: Their book, Soul Sex: Tantra for Two, is published by New Page Books, 2003.

Listen - if you want to date women with perfect ten bodies and cute faces then you will need to know "industrial strength" dating and seduction techniques.

You see, it is a different kettle of fish altogether to attract gorgeous women - those sexy goddesses who gets attention (from both men and women) everywhere they go. However, they are not as unattainable as you would believe. Read on to discover the surefire ways to date women with supermodel good looks, and achieve killer results fast...

How To Attract And Date Women With Supermodel Looks

If you want to date gorgeous women, you must first need to know this fundamental fact. It can be EASIER to attract beautiful women - because most men are afraid and get intimidated by them. This means that in reality your 'competition' might be minimal. Also, many gorgeous women are lonely just because men just do not approach them that often! With the two tips I am going to give you next you will be far ahead of the pack.

Tip #1: Congruence. In order to make a gorgeous woman fall for you, you will need to display congruence. This means that you have got to be true to yourself and never attempt to pretend to be someone you are not. If you are insincere and try to be a fake, then women will reject you. They can sniff a fake from a mile away - so don't do this.

Tip #2: Hypnosis. I do NOT mean that you use covert hypnosis techniques to make women fall for you. There are some safe and ethical techniques which you can use to make gorgeous women immediately attracted to you. One of these techniques, called fractionation, is known to be able to make women fall in love in as little as 15 minutes.

But before you use this technique, you must heed this warning... Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists. It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript (

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous. But if you're ready to get girls without breaking a sweat, then do this instead.

Derek Rake - EzineArticles Expert Author

The first thing that a guy usually thinks of when he meets a girl is how to get her phone number. Well, things are difficult to move ahead if there is no communication between the two.

Once the phone number is in the pocket, then coffee chats tend to happen, parties tend to happen and things move ahead. However, it is not a cake walk to get a phone number of a girl. So how to do it?

Tip 1

The best thing to do is that instead of waiting her to you her number, you give her your phone number. This is a very old trick but tends to work very effectively. There is a high possibility that the girl might call you either because she has some related work or may be because she found a good friend in you. Whichever way it is you would be benefited because once she calls you, her number would be displayed on your phone.

Tip 2

This is slightly tricky but a good one. Try calling a number from your phone for a long time. There are high chances that she might ask you whom you trying to call. Tell her that it's a friend but there is some problem with your phone and hence you can't get through. Ask her if you can use her phone. Once you get it, simply call on your number or may be on your best friend's number and take it from him/her later.

Tip 3

Once you get started with a conversation it is obvious that she might tell you about her hobbies. Try and help her out with her hobbies. For example she might be one of those reading bugs. Tell her that you know a library which has a great collection of books. Ask her for her number so that you can enroll her as a member of the library.

Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read.

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