Salah satu cara bersetubuh adalah teknik Fellatio bermakna seorang lelaki atau wanita meletakkan mulutnya ke dalam kelenjar zakar dan mengulumnya dengan lidah, juga meraba tangan mereka pada keseluruhan zakar lelaki itu. Hisapan biasanya dilakukan untuk menambah tekanan dan rabaan dilakukan pada zakar. Sementara kelakuan fellatio dilanjutkan, penerima boleh menyumbang air pra-ejakulasi pada air liur pemberi, memberikan hasil zakar lebih licin dan menambah pengalaman perasaan erotik. Air ini dibuatkan oleh kelenjar Cowper dan bukannya air mani, walaupun ia mengandungi kesan sperma.Sila lihat gambar bogel 1.

Terpulang kepada penyumbang, stimulasi ini boleh menghasilkan sebarang puncak syahwat dan ejakulasi air mani. Kalau air mani dimasukkan ke dalam mulut, ia terpulang sama ada ditelan atau tidak ditelan (slanganya, ludah atau telan).

Sementara kegunaan mulut untuk berstimulasikan zakar, adalah pusat cirinya fellatio, sering teman asmara berstimulasi serentak batang zakar dengan tangannya untuk memberikan lelaki itu perasaan zakar telah dikelilingi. Sesetengah wibawa (seperti Franklin, The Ultimate Kiss, bercadangkan ini sebagai cara paling memuaskan dengan memberi seks oral pada seorang lelaki. Satu lagi teknik berkesan adalah dengan memasukkan dan mengeluarkan kepala zakar dari mulut dengan sangat laju (tanpa menurun ke pangkal batang).Sila lihat gambar bogel 2.

Ada sesetengah menganggapkan cara bersetubuh ini atau seks oral sebagai kebesaran ego, mempercayai bahawa tindakan demikian adalah sejenis penguasaan ke atas teman asmaranya.Terdapat banyak lagi cara bersetubuh dan banyak gambar bogel di banner sebelah.

Cara bersetubuh ini tidak sahaja dilakukan pada satu orang, malah sesama sendiri, terutamanya kalau dua atau lebih orang yang melakukan perhubungan seks lelaki. Istilah ini dikenali sebagai Posisi Seks 69. Posisi ini dikenali dengan golongan lelaki homoseksual kerana sangat memuaskan hati semua di antara mereka yang berasmara.
Berikut merupakan salah satu cara bersetubuh

Sila lihat gambar bogel ini

Gambar Bogel 1

stimulasi mulut pada kelenjar zakar.
Gambar Bogel 2
Posisi Seks 69


Cunnilingus adalah kelakuan menggunakan mulut dan lidah untuk merangsang kemaluan perempuan, terutamanya kelentit. Istilahnya berasal dari alternatif perkataan Latin untuk faraj (cunnus) dan dari perkataan Latin untuk lidah (lingua). Hanya satu pertiga dari puncak syahwat mudah dilakukan sewaktu berasmara. Pelancapan dan cunnilingus adalah cara alternatif untuk wanita mencapai syahwat dengan teman asmara.

Kelentit adalah bahagian sensitif pada hampir semua wanita, tetapi boleh jadi sensitif untuk rangsangan selanjutnya pada waktu tertentu, terutamanya pada langkah awal dan bagus dimulakan dengan lembut dan kurang tumpukan pada bibir kemaluan dan kawasan kelamin itu sendiri.

Cunnilingus mudah digandingkan dengan mainan jari atau permainan seks ke dalam faraj, yang membenarkan rangsangan serentak titik G, atau ke dalam anus, yang mana sahaja banyak wanita mendapati menghasilkan sensasi yang tergigih. Banyak aktiviti-aktiviti dapat menemani cunnilingus untuk menambah keseronokan keseluruhan, sudah tentu, dihadkan hanya oleh kebolehan kesukaan lebih, fizikal, anatomi dan berbagai tugas.

Pada budaya lesbian sebuah istilah slanga umum digunakan ialah "memberi lidah" atau "perkhidmatan lidah" (bahasa Inggeris: "giving lip", "lip service", atau "tipping the velvet").

Risiko Cara Bersetubuh Ini.
Penyakit kelamin yang menjangkiti mulut pengamal seks oral. Gambar dari Photobucket.

Melakukan seks oral tidak terlepas daripada bahaya jangkitan penyakit kelamin. Penyakit kelamin seperti herpes mampu menjangkiti mulut pengamal seks oral dan menyebabkan kudis yang sukar sembuh.

Forex trading is a very flexible business and you're the one calling the shots. Still, if you're not careful, you can find yourself losing your modal as well. Therefore, here are a few things that you should know before you get started.

1. Having a broker

You will first need a broker to execute your orders and sometimes, to advise you in your trading decisions. There are many brokers out there and you'll need to be extra careful in finding one who can execute your orders anytime. Consider looking at each brokers' trade records and see how they've done in forex trading over the years. Most important thing is you need a broker that you feel comfortable with and who is also comfortable with you.

2. Diagrams

Next thing that you need to do is to understand how to read the diagram. You will need to understand the diagrams as only then you know the movement of the market. By choosing shorter time frames, you can clearly see the progress of the market by the minute. Usually, diagram software will use bars and lines to represent progress. Take your own sweet time figuring out each style and which one you are most comfortable with.

3. Using a demo account

Previously, you have to take risk without the experience or expertise to invest in forex trading. Nowadays, there are mock accounts which enable you to earn valuable experiences before going into live trades. As you would have a broker by now, he/she will usually let you have a trial in trading by using mock money. So, know your way around the software before you jump into the money making channel.

4. Going into live trades

So you've figured out everything you need to go into live trade. First rule is: don't be greedy. You might earn some the first few times but it doesn't mean you'll always score in the forex market. If you do lose, keep calm and do not give up completely but to see it as a learning experience or a mistake that you wouldn't do next time. Learning never stops so keep trying and it wouldn't be long before you earn your real satisfying profit.

It's easy to start trading Forex online, BUT you will lose money without proper education.

Find out more tips on trading currency online at now and start making your live changing income!

Forex Killer is a forex signal generator, meaning that it generates picks for the forex world much like a stock picker for the stock market. Some have called this the best forex signal maker and a way for even the most inexperienced traders to make some money in this market, so I decided to try it for myself and see if there was any truth to it and share my results here.

First, for anyone unfamiliar with Forex Killer or signal generators in general, these are programs which make use of mathematical algorithms to predict where the market will go next, enabling you to trade accordingly and safely getting in and out at peaks in the market. These algorithms take the entire scope into account and are tested before the program is released to traders to ensure that they are as spot on and precise and predicting market data as possible.

This is beneficial for a number of reasons, primarily because it enables rookie traders as well as those without the time to effectively devote to analyzing market data themselves to make some money in their spare time. All of the work is done for you so all you've got to do is enact the recommended trades. No emotions or other harmful outside human factors affect your trades this way, which is ideal for undisciplined traders especially.

I began using Forex Killer many months ago. I began simply by receiving the picks and without investing in them gauged their performances in the market and once the initial signals performed well I subsequently began investing in them. I have kept track since beginning with this system, and even counting the approximately 8 out of 10 of its trades have made money. For this reason, I recommend that you enact as many of the signals which it generates for you as possible to fully take advantage of it.

For more information on Forex Killer and have the chance to test it completely risk free and first hand just as I did initially to form your own opinions as to whether or not this is the best forex signal generator, visit and finally begin your path to financial independence today.